How Can We Help You?


How to use this tool in the beginning?

Here are main categories that need your input, Size, CMF, Engineering, Functionality. Size option is single choice, and others are multiple choice.


What if the size is not included?

There are 3 options regarding to Size. Small, Medium, Large. If your model is larger than a 15” laptop, please email to us directly.



How to select CMF properly?

There are generally 5 sub-categories for your selection - Basic, Metal, Soft Goods, Texture, Artwork. 


What if I need special functionality?

Image is good at lighting/vibration, complex mechanism design, electrical /ME component integration, etc. You can choose the needed functions in the Functionality category.


If I have a real component or existing mechanism design, can Image help to integrate into the Model?

Yes, if you have anything needed for validation, please select in the Validation category.


Why is the cost range so big?

As we do not have your data details, ModelGo is only for quick and rough estimation. If you’d like to get a more accurate cost, please email to us directly.


Does the estimated lead time include shipping time?

No, the lead time only includes model-making time. Shipping to each country requires different time. For example, shipping to the U.S normally takes 1-3 days; while shipping to European countries takes 2-4 days.


Does the estimated cost include shipping fee?

If the model size is larger than a 15” laptop, or in large quantities, there might be additional shipping and packaging costs. We will evaluate it case by case. Please email us directly if you have any questions.